Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
Tuesday taught by Kelly St. Gelais
Thursday taught by Adele Miller
Creative Movement taught by Sheramy Turcotte
Art taught by Jackie Johnson
Play is the foundation of learning, creativity, self-expression, and constructive problem-solving. It’s how children wrestle with life to make it meaningful. ” ~Susan Linn
Our Lower Elementary full-morning drop off program, affectionately called Tadpoles, is for children kindergarten through 2nd grade. The purpose of the Tadpoles program is to give homeschoolers from the age of 5 to 8 a place to practice autonomy, build community, and learn through exploration. With a focus on science this year we will be learning about the natural world, animal science, weather, physics, observation, and question asking, while also spending time outdoors, and building confidence. Children will be encouraged to pursue their interest, try new things, and learn at their own pace. In our sixth year as a program, we have added art class with Jackie as part of our Tadpoles day, and will be continuing Creative Movement with Sheramy.
Due to growing interest, Tadpoles will now be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Both days will be focusing on the same lesson objective each week.
Each day includes creative movement, art class, lesson/project time, lunch, and play time.
Classes run on Tuesday OR Thursday from 9:00-1:30
*Students are welcome to register for both days
Tadpoles has a monthly program fee of $143 (this includes the creative movement and art class portion of the day)
There is a one time material fee of $140 paid directly to Adele.