Middle School

Grades 6-8

Tuesday and Thursday Programming


Wait list started


Wait list started


Wait list started

Social Studies

Wait list started


Wait list started Section A and B


Wait list started

Enrichment Programming

Homeschooling Through the Middle School Years

Homeschooling between 6th and 8th grade can be one of the most challenging and rewarding years for a homeschooling family. Watching a child ride the roller coaster of transition from childhood to teenager is an amazing and complex evolution. This is a time to practice with power and responsibility, fighting for autonomy and yet finding comfort still in toys and family time. We have kids who have made it through and we have kids in the throws of this awesomeness. Our tutors are all aware of the complexity of these years and we are here are love and support not only the child, but the family. So whether you have a radically mature 6th grader or an 8th grader that seems to be struggling in everything, we are here offering education, working on life skills and study skills, and giving space to explore personality and friendships.

Dynamic Learning Environments

We are moms and we know that homeschooling tween/teens, along with sports, clubs, friends, and a myriad of things can be A LOT! We are working with our own experiences as busy moms with busy kids to make a learning environment that meets all the needs.

For kids looking to be with others all the time and fill their day with classes and social interactions, we are offering in-person classes where a student come stay for the day taking many classes or just pop in for a class or two*. 

For students and families that are choosing to stay home, but still want the wide selection of our programming we will have a number of classes available online in real time, with zoom interface between in-person students, remote students, and the class tutor. With the use of technology their "classroom" experience can happen from your home.

Please note, we also understand that Middle School years are full of huge transitions and many of our Wednesday class offerings for this age group span between activities for the younger ages of middle school and those teen years of 13 and older. As you look at the offerings please pay attention to the intended age range of the classes.

*Students taking non-consecutive, in-person classes on the same day will be welcome to stay between classes and use the time as a quiet supervised, study time.


Spanish 1 10:00-10:45 (R)

Spanish 3/4 (Day 1 of 2) 11:00-12:00 (R)

Spanish 2 12:30-1:30 (R)


In-Person Arrival Starts 8:45

Math A/Art B 9:05-10:05 

Math B/Art A 10:10-11:10

Social Studies 11:15-12:30

Lunch and Recess 12:30-1:30

ELA 1:30-2:30 (D) 


Spanish 1 9:00-9:45

Cursive 9:00-10:00

Cookies (12+)/Cake Decorating 9:00-11:00

Theater                                         9:00-11:00

Middle School Music 10:00-10:45

Lego Club (9-12 year olds) 10:00-11:00

Yoga (9-12 year olds) 10:15-11:00

Spanish 3/4 (Day 2 of 2) 11:00-12:00 (D)

Teen Gym Class                 11:00-12:00

Art of Construction 11:00-12:00

Sewing 1 and 2 11:30-1:30

Teen Art Workshops (13+)           12:15-1:15

Gym (9-12 year olds) 12:15-1:15

Spanish 2                                 12:30-1:30

Hiking Club 12:30-2:30

Cosmic Smash Booking (13+) 1:30-2:30

Middle School Drawing   1:30-2:30


In-Person Arrival Starts 8:45

Study Hall/Games 9:00-10:00

Science 10:00-11:15

Lunch 11:15-12:30

Art ONLY Group C   11:15-12:15

Exploratory 12:30-1:30

Math A and B 1:30-2:30

(D) Dynamic Learning In-person and Remote

(R) Remote Only