Lower Elementary
Grades K-2
Homeschooling During the Early Years
The earliest years of homeschooling are filled with wonder and amazement. These years are filled with games and play, learning through doing, developing friendships, and stretching body and mind. Village Academy offers a fun and safe way to let your little one venture out into the world.
This year we are expanding our offerings for our youngest friends, providing a lot of opportunities to practice being big out and about in the world.
Elementary Spanish 9:00-9:45
Tadpoles-Wait list started 9:00-1:30
5-8 Year Old Yoga 9:15-10:00
Elementary Spanish 10:00-10:45
Getting Crafty with Miss Jackie 11:15-12:00
Messy Science 12:15-1:15
5-8 Year Old Gym 1:30-2:30
Tadpoles 9:00-1:30